Welcome to the 206 Farm Market owned and operated by the
Monzo family since 1934!
Where our customers are our FRIENDS!
1st pick of the 2024 season available now!

Quality Control by Gordon IV and he approves!

Route 206 Farm Market Supports National Pollinators Week! #pollinatorweek
The peaches, blueberries, raspberries, and tomatoes—just to name a few crops—that we grow for you each season depend on bees for pollination to produce. By planting and maintaining this wildflower field on our farm, we support the habitat that pollinates our crops. About 75% of all flowering plant species need animal pollinators for reproduction. As a result, pollinators contribute to the ecosystem health and a sustainable food supply for us all. Support local farmers and help us educate others about the importance of pollinators!

Peaches are AWESOME this season, stop by anytime.
As always we have self service so you can stop by and use the money box to make purchases and if you have are any questions please give us a call at 609/567-0060, or check our Face Book page.
God Bless us all, stay safe and hope to see everyone soon.
Honored to be mentioned in the New York Times Food Section 7.4.2018 and visited by CBS3
check out our press clippings page….
Remember – as always…Blueberry Bushes available all year long!
Give the gift that keeps giving year after year !
Did you know …
You can freeze berries for winter use?
Just pour berries in freezer bag, unwashed, then rinse before using.
Many of you will remember Angelo, or as he is affectionately known as the older gentleman who loved to talk, and his lovely wife Helen Monzo. They are both gone now but fondly remembered by so many of our “friends”. Thank you for that!

PopPop’s Strawberries

Bill’s mom Helen with hanging baskets at the market.